QWhen was the company founded?
MORITO was founded in 1908 when Jukichi Moritou began brokering eyelets and snap fasteners in a corner of the Yamano Bag store in Utsubo, Nishi-ku, Osaka. And that’s how it all started for MORITO.
QWhat is the history of MORITO?
You can learn all about the MORITO story on the HISTORY page.
Corporate Information
QWhere can I find general information about MORITO, such as capital and number of employees?
Visit the PROFILE link below.
QWhere can I find general information about MORITO’s business?
Visit the BUSINESS OUTLINE link below.
Accounts and Finance
QWhen are financial results announced?
Our fiscal year runs from December 1 to November 30 of the following year, and we announce financial results every quarter.
QHow can I access the latest financial presentation material?
To see the latest financial presentation material, visit the FINANCIAL REPORT link below.
QWhere can I find financial information?
You can find it on the PERFORMANCE/FINANCIAL page. It provides financial highlights and business performance by business segment. Historical financial results are also available in the IR LIBRARY.
QWhat are MORITO’s key performance indicators such as return on equity and equity ratio?
You can find them on the INDICATORS page.
Stocks in General
QWhere are MORITO’s shares traded?
They are traded on the Prime Market of the Tokyo Stock Exchange.
QWhat is the securities code?
It’s 9837.
QHow much is the dividend?
To find out about the dividend per share, refer to the SHAREHOLDER RETURNS / DIVIDENDS page.
QDo you offer special benefits to shareholders?
No, we do not offer any special benefits to shareholders.
QWho is the transfer agent?
The transfer agent for MORITO is Mitsubishi UFJ Trust and Banking Corporation.
QWho should I contact to get more information about shareholder services?
Refer to the STOCK-RELATED PROCEDURE page for more information.
QWhen is the annual meeting of shareholders?
It is held every February. To find out about the latest meeting, refer to the ANNUAL GENERAL MEETING OF SHAREHOLDERS page.
Other Topics
QWhat is MORITO’s privacy policy?
For more information, see our PRIVACY POLICY.