GLOBAL NICHE TOPBecome a global niche top company
that keeps making a big difference
in the world with small parts


A business indispensable to people’s lives

A business indispensable to people’s lives

Lines of business for daily necessities, which are unaffected by trends

Since we deal in parts for things that are vital to people’s daily lives, many of our businesses are essentially immune to trends or economic downturns and can continue to operate as usual.
We also handle products used in government offices.

Baby wear

Baby wear

Workwear and harnesses

Workwear and harnesses

School bags

School bags


Stable performance

Stable performance

Stable performance with a diversified portfolio

Since our portfolio is diversified across three different businesses and includes products used in a wide spectrum of industries, our performance is not easily influenced by the results of specific businesses or products.


Operating worldwide and handling both imports and exports, we can hedge against foreign exchange and geopolitical risks.

Net Sales by Region

Net Sales by Region

Ratio of imports to exports

Ratio of imports to exports

Global operations

Global operations

Global manufacturing, procurement, and sales capabilities

Our manufacturing, procurement, and sales networks span the globe.
We have partner plants and distributors all over the world, giving us close proximity to our customers and the ability to respond to their every need.


High market share

High market share

Enjoying high market share for various products targeting niche areas

We enjoy a high market share worldwide for parts that are niche but essential for daily life.


global market share

Metal snap fasteners

Supplier of a national baby wear brand


domestic market share


Eyelets and metal snap fasteners



Surfboard blanks

Car mat emblems

Commercial grease filter rental service


Patents, utility models, designs, and trademarks

*Source: company data

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